Casually Cozy

5 Essential Tips To Be Productive Every Day

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Desk with office supplies, pens, stationery, and a plant

Do you ever feel like some days, your productivity levels are amazing and you get so much done, but other days are the complete opposite?

I’m sure there are many factors that can affect how productive your day is, but the most important thing to consider is how much control you actually have over those factors.

In fact, there are a lot of things that are usually in your control, but you just have to become aware of them.

Read on to find out what things you can do (starting now) to boost your daily productivity!

1. Don’t Fall Into Social Media Trap

How many times have you said “I’ll just browse through Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest for 5 minutes” and you end up spending an hour on social media? Not gonna lie, I’ve caught myself doing this far too many times than I’d like to admit.

But if you want to prevent this from happening to you, you have to be aware of this temptation. Because before you know it, your “quick break” will turn into 10…20…30 minutes that you’ve just wasted. 

What is a great way to save yourself from the social media trap?

For starters, try keeping your phone physically out of reach, as you’ll be less likely to grab it and browse through your social apps.

Next, you can allot a time specifically for browsing through social media, but you have to restrict yourself from doing so in any other time frame. Setting a timer is important, so you don’t accidentally lose track of time!

So in your 10 minute break, you are free to catch up on the latest posts on Instagram, but as soon as your time is up, you have to close the app and get back to your tasks.

By keeping yourself accountable, you can make sure that social media isn’t distracting you during the time you are meant to be working.

2. Manage Your Time Wisely

If you think about it, every single person on Earth has 24 hours in a day. No matter how productive you are, you have the same amount of time as any other person.

So what differentiates productive people versus those who don’t get much done?

The answer is that the former group utilizes their time wisely, which increases their productivity. Because they work efficiently, they don’t actually need to work longer than everyone else.

In essence, productive people don’t necessarily work more, but while they are working, they are very focused. 

So how should you apply this principle in your life?

1. Ask yourself if there is anything that is holding you back from reaching peak efficiency while you’re working.

Maybe you don’t have a habit of writing down all the tasks that you must complete that day. Without having your list of tasks, a portion of your time will be wasted on figuring out what is left to do, preventing you from utilizing your time efficiently.

Or maybe you find it very difficult to be motivated to finish your work, causing you to slip into procrastination. To help combat this issue, you could find a way to reasonably reward yourself for finishing your work; maybe you can treat yourself to your favorite dessert, watch an episode of your favorite show, or go out for an evening walk with a friend.

Pro tip: Remember to finish your tasks first, and then reward yourself!

2. Set specific goals and write them down.

Use the SMART method when creating goals. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)

By defining all of those parameters, it will be crystal clear on how you plan to achieve your goals. You will be able to get a more accurate idea of how to use your time and energy to reach your goals, which means that your effort will be more focused. That’s the key that will help you be more productive when completing your tasks.

3. Make sure to prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance.

It helps to use time blocking to dedicate a certain amount of time for each task on your to-do list. The tasks that have a higher priority should be done first, and/or at the time of day that you feel the most energetic.

4. Avoid multitasking, and instead, focus on one task at a time.

Our brains are not truly capable of multitasking; rather, it switches back and forth between two tasks.

To work the most efficiently, put all of your focus on one task at a time, and avoid all distractions during that work session.

When you complete a task, then you can move on to the next item on your list.

3. Build A Routine

Having an established routine is one of the most effective ways to ensure you are productive.

The benefit of having a routine is that it creates structure to your day and it helps you stay organized with your tasks.

Sometimes, the hardest part of doing a task is to start! Following a routine will help you to get started with each task, saving you from wasting time and energy deciding on the next thing on your schedule.

Not to mention that a routine can help you focus on your current tasks, since you already know what will come next.

So what are some best practices to follow when creating a routine?

1. Get enough sleep (this is super important!)

2. Wake up at the same time each day

2. Eat something healthy for breakfast (or anytime you have your first meal)

3. Schedule regular breaks to give your mind and body some rest

4. Complete your most important tasks at the time of day that you have the most energy

5. Make your routine realistic, not idealistic

6. Adjust your routine until it works for you

It’s important to note that routines are basically habits, and it takes time to build habits that you actually stick to. You shouldn’t expect to follow your routine perfectly every day. Life happens and plans change.

Instead, what you should be doing is to make progress over time. It’s better to compare the progress you are making now versus a month ago, and to tweak your routine until you get closer to your desired results.

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4. Set Realistic Expectations

How many times have you written down a list of the things you need to do that day and it just turns into a never-ending compilation of chores?

Sometimes, we put too much pressure on ourselves to get too many things done than is realistically possible.

When planning out your day, you need to take into account the tasks that need to be done no matter what. These tasks are non-negotiable and have a higher priority than others.

Some examples of such tasks might include taking a lunch break, walking your dog, or going grocery shopping.

These types of tasks may take up a considerable amount of time when they add up, so you really have to plan your day carefully to complete your list of tasks. Sometimes, there is simply not enough time in the day to complete every single thing on your list, but that’s okay.

All you have to do is list those tasks in order of priority, and make a schedule to complete them in time for their deadlines. 

Let’s say you have a week to complete a project, so instead of cramming it all in one or two days, you could divide the work over the span of a few days until the project is complete.

You would do the same for your other tasks until you have a comprehensive schedule of your week laid out in front of you.

This way, not only are you better organized, but you can be sure that you won’t be overwhelmed by a daunting list of work that would be impossible to complete in a day.

5. Energize & Hydrate

You need to make sure to provide your brain and body with ample nutrients to have the energy to focus and to increase your thinking capacity.

While it’s okay to indulge in a sweet or salty snack every now and then, try to also incorporate fresh, whole foods into your diet.

If you don’t exactly crave fruits and veggies as a snack, you can try preparing them in a way that makes them more appetizing!

I love putting together a snack platter with crisp slices of apples, celery sticks, and baby carrots with a tablespoon of nut butter as a dip. Other ideas could include snacking on trail mix or a granola bar.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated while you’re working! It might be helpful to use a refillable water bottle so that you’ll always have water at your side when you feel thirsty. I personally use a 32 oz. Hydro Flask since it keeps my water fresh and cold for a long time.

Overall, be sure to have healthy snacks and water at hand to sustain and nourish yourself throughout the day!

Key Takeaways

There are a number of seemingly simple yet impactful things you can do to greatly improve your productivity each day.

Being mindful of your distractions, such as social media, is crucial to avoid wasting precious time.

Once you implement a plan for time management, the time you spend on each task should be more focused and intentional. This is an extremely important tip for maximizing your productivity!

Having a routine is key for structuring your day and going with the flow, rather than wasting time figuring out what to do.

Make sure to avoid overwhelming yourself with tasks that you know can’t all be done in a day. Prioritizing is everything!

Above all, take care of your mind and body.

Leave a comment on what strategy you found the most helpful for being more productive!


Welcome to Casually Cozy. I’m Mel, and I am here to help you organize your life, work smarter and develop the right mindset to get stuff done. So get cozy, it’s time to take things to the next level.

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Welcome to Casually Cozy. I’m Mel, and I am here to help you organize your life, work smarter and develop the right mindset to get stuff done. So get cozy, it’s time to transform your dreams into reality.

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