Casually Cozy

How To Declutter Your Bedroom

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If you are reading this article, chances are that you want to clean your bedroom, but have little to no motivation to do it.

Or maybe you are willing to clean your room, but simply don’t know where to start.

The easy route is to completely ignore the mess and carry on with your day.

But just as important as it is to do self-care, your room needs some love too, since it is your personal space that you hopefully cherish.

This guide is meant to serve as your go-to checklist for tidying up your room, no matter how chaotic your bedroom might be right now.

In only six simple steps, you can transform your bedroom into a clean space with cozy vibes.

Without further ado, let’s get into it!

1. Make Your Bed

It is important to start with the most basic task of making your bed.

This way, you can get yourself in the mindset to start tidying up your room.

It would be ideal if you made your bed every morning right after waking up to make it a habit of completing this task.

After all, if you form good habits, it becomes less of a chore and more of a routine.

I’ve personally held onto this habit ever since I was a kid, and it always set the tone for the rest of the day.

If you find yourself skipping this task each day, then now is the time to do it. No excuses.

And if you are someone who has already made their bed today, I give you a virtual high-five. You are on the right track!

Onto the next step!

2. Pick Up Anything On The Floor

The next step is to scan the floor for anything randomly scattered about.

You don’t want to be a ninja every time you walk into your room, having to dodge obstacles on the floor and acrobatically maneuvering your room to avoid stepping on said obstacles.

Okay, maybe that’s a little dramatic, but you get the point.

Having a tidy floor will make a huge difference in the overall appearance of your room.

It also potentially saves you from tripping on a random thing on the floor, falling and subsequently getting hurt. You never know.

Be sure to pick up all the things randomly lying on the floor; it could be papers, pillows, whatever it may be.

It’s equally as important to put those things back where they belong, not stashed in an arbitrary place just for the sake of freeing up your floor space.

Now that the floor has been addressed, let’s go to the next step.

3. Make A Trash Pile

As you are picking things up and decluttering the floor, be sure to compile any trash into a pile.

After all, you don’t want to stash your trash among the things you are putting away.

Once you have compiled all the things meant to be thrown away, then into the trash bin they go.

Pro tip: please be kind to the environment by recycling anything that can be recycled! This includes plastic water bottles, aluminum cans, items made of glass, clothing that can be donated, etc.

Now that the trash is taken care of, you are ready for the next step.

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4. Put Away Laundry/Scattered Clothes

You might have a random pile of clothes lying around your room, so be sure to put it away in your closet, dresser, clothing rack, drawers, or storage bins, whatever you use.

Since you might have no idea if the clothes need to be washed in the laundry, be sure to do a smell test on your clothing before putting them away.

If they pass the smell test, you may put them away. If they fail, then make a laundry pile of all the clothing items that need to be washed.

On the other hand, if you have a fresh batch of clothes that you just never got around to putting away, then now is the time to do so.

If you have any clothing that is out of season, such as a coat in the middle of a hot summer, then instead of stashing it in your closet or dresser, consider putting it in a storage bin until the time comes to wear it again.

That way, there is less clutter among the clothes that you actually wear during the current season.

Once you have taken care of the clothing situation in your room, your space should be looking much better by now. Let’s head to the next step.

5. Dust Surfaces

Now that the floor is no longer cluttered and you have put away any trash and clothing lying around, the next step is to dust any flat surfaces in your bedroom.

Get an old t-shirt, microfiber cloth, or paper towel sheet and wet it with water until it is slightly damp; don’t make it dripping wet.

Make sure to wring it so that it has just enough wetness to pick up the dust. You don’t want to damage wood or other surfaces in your room with a soaking wet cloth.

Then go around your room and wipe down any flat surface that has accumulated dust.

Common areas could include your desk, nightstand, shelves, and window sill.

If you have shelves, start from the top shelf and work your way down since the dust from the top shelves may fall onto the lower ones as you are dusting.

As for any objects that are placed on the surface you are about to dust, you can also give them a quick wipe down if they are dusty. If not, you can temporarily place them on the floor and immediately put them back in their place after you have dusted the surface.

Once your room has been dusted, you are ready for the final step.

6. Vacuum The Floor

Finally, you have reached the last and final step of decluttering and cleaning your room, which is to vacuum the floor.

This is the last step since the floor should be totally free of clutter by now and the main surfaces in your room should have been dusted, so the vacuum should pick up any dust that has fallen to the floor.

Even though you might be tempted to skip this step since your room might already look nicely organized by now, vacuuming is like the cherry on top since your room will become extra tidy and clean.

This step is like the final sprint in a marathon, and you don’t want to quit just before you reach the finish line.

Once you have completed this step, then congratulations because you have taken the bold decision to be in control of the cleanliness of your room and you have conquered the mess that was in your room beforehand.

7. Follow Up: Maintenance

Now that your room is clean and clutter-free, it doesn’t take much to maintain this level of organization if you follow good practices.

Make sure to put things back immediately when you are done using them. If you allow objects to accumulate in places they shouldn’t be, it will only make the eventual cleanup more tedious and time-consuming.

It is also a good practice to promptly do your chores in order to avoid facing an ever-growing list of tasks that becomes too difficult to manage.

This includes putting away your clothes right when they come out of the dryer, making your bed every morning, and not tossing things on the floor when instead you can store them properly in their places.

However, if you can’t help yourself when it comes to having a clean and organized room at all times, then you can always refer back to this post to help with that!

Final Thoughts

In just a few steps, you can transform your messy room into a clean and organized space.

If you struggle with getting yourself to tidy up your room, it’s important to realize that the actual steps aren’t hard to complete.

In my experience, I often imagine the task to be much more difficult and tiring to complete than it actually is in reality.

If you can relate to that, you just have to get past the mental hurdle of the thought of completing the task.

The most important thing is to give yourself no excuses and just start with the first step of decluttering your room.

Once you get up and start checking off the steps one-by-one, you will be finished with your room cleanup before you know it.

The end result is very rewarding; not only is a clutter-free room pleasing to look at, but it also creates a relaxing and calm environment.

And you can be proud of the work you accomplished by taking care of and maintaining the tidiness of your bedroom!


Welcome to Casually Cozy. I’m Mel, and I am here to help you organize your life, work smarter and develop the right mindset to get stuff done. So get cozy, it’s time to take things to the next level.

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Welcome to Casually Cozy. I’m Mel, and I am here to help you organize your life, work smarter and develop the right mindset to get stuff done. So get cozy, it’s time to transform your dreams into reality.

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